Thursday, August 19, 2010

Interview with Adrian Oros - member of Hope & Homes for Children organization

Hope and Homes for Children

Interview with Adrian Oros

If you could describe your organization in one sentence – what would you say?
Adrian: I think it would be our motto: “To build a world in which every child is loved in a family and also where every child can reach their potential.”

What is the main purpose of HHC?
Adrian: We have a few main goals:
- provide children with a life in a family, instead of a life in an institution;
- close down old state institutions and place the children in a family-based environment;
- support the youngsters who leave childcare, assisting them into transition towards independent living;
- create professional instrument, guides and manuals to improve the practice of the professionals who work in childcare.

How many volunteers do you have in Baia Mare office and how many in Romania?
Adrian: Right now we don’t have volunteers because we are restructuring the organization, but we had volunteers from UK and US.

What was your biggest undertaking?
Adrian: For us each project is important. We are doing our job, but in the same time we are trying to close down old institutions, which is our main goal as I said before.

Plans for future?
-         closure of old state institutions for children. There are still 150 such state institutions with 11.000 children in them. All these children must to be placed into family-based environments;
-          creating a network of preventive service;
-          training and technical assistance;
-          increasing capacity of state authorities.

What achievements do you have so far?
Adrian: First we moved children from institutions to caring family environments, many children were reunited with their parents, we ensured families stay together, we helped many children access day care facilities, mother-and-baby units and emergency reception centers. Also, we helped children fulfill their potential and enabled families to become independent. Thanks to us, many individuals are now living independently, having successfully completed our program.

Is HHC well known among people in Baia Mare? What are you doing to involve people to your projects?
Adrian: We are quite well known in Baia Mare and Romania. We have a website that people know about, and sometimes they just come straight to our office and want to be volunteers. We are also working in corporation with many international institutions, like A.R.K. and Edmond J. Safra Foundation, and this is very helpful.

What is the biggest problem in your organization?
Adrian: We have a lot of things to do at the same time.

How many orphanages are you working with?
Adrian: We helped over 1800 children. We closed down 21 institutions in 5 counties. We placed them with families, foster families and helped them to start independent life.

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